Happy Birthday, Amelia!

My sister-in-law Chrysi is truly amazing. She is so creative, so fun, so good at making things. And I think she particularly excels at throwing parties. 🙂 Each one of her kids always gets an amazing party at home for their birthday each year. I just love it – there’s always a great theme, and she always makes amazing food.   Hmmm, maybe there’s a business in the works here?

And did we mention the cakes? She makes awesome cake, too. This year was no exception. Amelia turned two on Sunday, and she had an Elmo-themed birthday that was too cute. There was even Dorothy, Elmo’s little pet goldfish!

Oh, and look at the cute Cookie Monster cookie-toss game. Chrysi made it – even the felt cookies too! Sometime I have to remember to photograph the cute felt food that she made for the kiddos at Christmas. It was so amazing.I’m super proud of Chrysi. I really wish she would write a blog because I know that she’d be good at it and she’d enjoy it. Happy birthday, Milly Moo! We love you!

2 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Erin said,

    I knew she was talented, but this ROCKS! Do you think she’d adopt me? 😉

  2. 2

    chrysi said,

    Thanks, Rach! You are too good to me.

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